In the Know: 2022 Year in Review

Date Posted: February 22, 2023

In The Know: 2022 Year in Review

We are back with “In The Know” and our 2022 year in review, which includes information about the purchase data provided that made your important opinions count, the activities thatRead More

big game snacks

Date Posted: February 9, 2023

NCP Blog: It’s Time for the Big Game

Super Bowl Poll Results   How do NCP panel members feel about the Super Bowl? In a recent poll on our panel member website we asked, “What’s your favorite partRead More

Social Media Scams

Date Posted: February 2, 2023

NCP Blog: Be Aware of Social Media Scams

Do you use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? Social media has so many positive aspects: keeping in touch with friends and family, sharing photos, finding out aboutRead More

frozen breakfast waffles

Date Posted: January 27, 2023

NCP Blog: Breakfast in Your Freezer

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult to find time to prepare a healthy breakfast meal in the mornings. It’s easy to just grab a cup of coffee andRead More